Welcome speeches - Plenary Session
Prof. Ph.D Eng. Gheorghe Badea
Dean of Faculty of Geodesy
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
Prof. Ph.D Eng. Gheorghe Badea, Dean - Faculty of Geodesy (2016 to the present), Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest.
Prof. Badea graduated in 1989 from Faculty of Geodesy – Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania. In 2003 he received a Ph.D from the same University for his thesis "Some Results in the Study of Using Cadastral Data in Land Information Systems".
Between 2012 and 2015 he was acting as Vicedean of Faculty of Geodesy.
His main teaching and research activities at the Faculty of Geodesy is focused on Cadastral Systems in Urban Areas, Information Systems Specific to the Activity Fields, Methods of Real Estate Recording and GIS Applications. He is also collaborating with the Faculty of Planning - "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism and at the Faculty of Geography - University of Bucharest. At the same time, he has been involved in several research and educational projects as team member as well as project manager for EU financed Projects. During the time he was acting in the private sector and also he collaborated with ANCPI for development of technical normative.
Prof. Badea is Member of the Romanian Surveyors Association and Member of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing National Society. He was involved in the committees of many scientific conferences and he was the President of the Scientific symposium with international participation GeoPreVi2011 and GeoPreVi2015.
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Chryssy A. Potsiou
President (2015 – 2018)
FIG - International Federation of Surveyors
Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, graduated from the School for Rural & Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 1982.
During her graduate studies she has worked as teaching assistant at the NTUA in the fields of Photogrammetry, Cadastre, and Cartography.
Since 1992, she has been employed as Special Research and Teaching Scientist at the Lab of Photogrammetry, Topography Division, School for Rural and Surveying Engineering, NTUA, at a permanent position. At the same time, she has been working as a consultant in several research projects (15 of them at the NTUA) in the domains of: aerial photography of archaeological sites, cadastre and Land Administration, architectural photogrammetry, detailed photogrammetric restitutions of complicated monuments, digital photogrammetric documentation of castles, cartography and urban planning, GIS.
She was participating in organizing committees of many outstanding international scientific and professional events as chair or member (i.e. FIG Comm3, International Meeting of Commission VI of ISPRS, International Symposium of CIPA, etc.), and she had an active participation to various meetings of FIG Com3, ISPRS and C.I.P.A., WPLA, EuroGeographics.
Dr. Potsiou was member of Council of the Hellenic Society for Photogrammetry and RS, and served as Treasurer, for the period 1992-2003.
She has been working as management advisor for educational and technical issues at the KTIMATOLOGIO S.A., agency responsible for the implementation of the Hellenic Cadastre, 1998-end of 2001
Dr. Potsiou presented and published 45 papers in various meetings and journals, give lectures at various organizations.
She has been Chair of FIG WG 3.3 "State of the Art of SDIs", 2003 – 2006, and FIG Comm 3 Chair, term 2007 – 2010.
Mrs. Potsiou is President of FIG , term 2015 – 2018.
Mihai Busuioc
General Secretary
Romanian Government
Mr. Mihai Busuioc, since January 2017 is General Secretary of the Romanian Government. Previously he was General Secretary, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Management from January 2016 to January 2017. Between 2006 and 2012, Mr. Busuioc was General Director of National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) and has significantly contributed to the reform and modernization of the integrated system of cadastre and land registration in Romania.
Radu Codrut Stefanescu
Director General
National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI)
Mr. Radu Codrut Stefanescu, started to work for ANCPI in 2006 as Counselor within Operative Department. Further he was the Personal Counselor of the ANCPI General Director, from 2009 until 2013. In 2013 Mr. Stefanescu moved to Project Management Department within ANCPI, working as Director, for 1 year and Counselor, also for one year.
Starting with April 2015 he was appointed as General Director of ANCPI.
Mr. Stefanescu has a Ph.D. in Cadastre and Land registration Law from "Constantin Brancusi" University, Targu Jiu, and a BA in Financial Accounting and Public Management from Ecological University, Bucharest.
Prof. Dr. Eng. Johan Neuner
President of the Senate
Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest
Mr. Johan Neuner, graduated in 1975 from the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania. At first, he worked as geodetical engineer at the Cadastre Office, Ilfov County.
Since 1979 Mr. Neuner starts his academicals career at the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest with the position of Assistant and reached in 2000 to the position of Professor. In 1993 Mr. Neuner obtained his Ph.D. Diploma.
From 1996 he owns forthcoming the functions: Head of Department of Surveying and Cadastre, Dean of the Faculty of Geodesy, Rector of the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest and now he is the President of the Senate of the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest.
Mr. Neuner is founder member of the Union of Romanian Geodesy, being its president from 2004 to 2014. Mr. Neuner is also President of the Commission for Geodesy and Geophysics by the Romanian Academy and corresponding member of the “Deutsche Geodätische Kommission (DGK) – Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften”. Since 1991 he is also member of “Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen – Germany“.
Since 2011 he is delegate from the Romanian Space Agency – ROSA in the Programme Board on Satellite Navigation PBNAV - European Space Agency-ESA, and at present ROSA delegate in “Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP)” - European Space Agency (ESA).
He is member of the UNESCO National Commission – Sub commission for Education;
Author of numerous books, publications in different scientific journals and at national and international professional conferences.
All this time he was member in numerous organizing committees, scientifically committees of national and international workshops and symposiums, and also member in scientific committees of journals.
Dr. Vasile Chiriac
General Secretary CLGE
Republic of Moldova
Mr. Vasile Chiriac was graduated in 1976 as Dipl. Engineer at the High Defence Mapping School, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. After 10 years working as geodetic surveyor of Military Topographical Service he continues his studies at Defence Engineering Academy, Moscow, Russia.
In 1992 he defined his doctoral thesis and come back to Moldova to create Military Topographical service of National Army, and was the Head of it from 1994 to 2004. He was Commander-Rector of Defence Academy “Alexandru cel Bun”.
In 2006 he runs a research Department at the Institute of Geodesy, Engineering Research and Cadastre, and between 2010 and 2012he was General Director of Blom Ltd, Moldova Company.
He was associate professor at the Faculty of Cadastre, Geodesy and Construction of Technical University of Moldova.
Mr. Chiriac is the President of Moldavian Union of Surveyors, and General Secretary of CLGE (the Council of Geodetic European Surveyors).
Opening Exhibition
Ph.D. Eng. Valeriu Manolache
Romanian Association of Private Surveyors
Mr. Valeriu Manolache graduated in 1984 from the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania as Diplomat Engineer in Geodesy and Remote Sensing and obtained his Ph.D. in 2008 from the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest,Romania. With an experience of over 30 years, he has worked until 1990 as project engineer at the “Institute of Studies and Design for Land Reclamations” of Bucharest and after that, as private surveyor, establishing in 1990 his own company, named Theotop. As specialist and owner of Theotop he participated at the realization of the first major projects of cadaster, photogrammetry and GIS in Romania, projects financed by the World Bank, E.U. and the Romanian Government. He was associated professor between 2008-2011 at the Faculty of Geodesy of the Technical University of Civil Engineering from Bucharest, General Secretary of Romanian Geodetic Union between 1998-2004 and Vice-president of Romanian Geodetic Union between 2000-2014, in present president of the Romanian Association of Private Surveyors since 2000, representative of the Romanian Liaison Group in CLGE (the Council of European Geodetic Surveyor and FIG (Fédération Internationale des Géomètres). Author of numerous publications in different scientific journals and at national and international professional conferences.
Opening Poster Presentations
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Ana Cornelia Badea
FIG representative for UTCB
Ana-Cornelia Badea is Associate Professor at the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, acting as Manager of the Research Center - Geodetic Engineering Measurements and Spatial Data Infrastructures, as well as FIG Representative for UTCB. In 2017 she obtained her Habilitation in Geodetic Engineering with thesis “3D Modeling of the Real World – Cadastre, Real Estate Registration and GIS for Sustainable Development”.
She graduated at Faculty of Geodesy, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Geodesy specialization, obtaining a Merit Diploma in 1998 and obtained her PhD in Geodesy – Civil Engineering with thesis "Contributions to the Achievement of an Information System for Integrating Cadastre and Land Book" with "Cum Laude" distinction in 2008. She holds a BSc. degree in Law, she has earned her MSc. in Law - Judicial Career specialization and also graduated from National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), obtaining her MSc. in Project Management in 2013.
She is President of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Geodesy, Carthography and Cadastre, Romanian Surveyors Union, member of the Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Romanian Society and member of „Astronomia 21” Association.
During the time she was involved in the research projects of the Faculty of Geodesy and she collaborated with ANCPI for development of technical normatives.
She is author or coauthor of over 100 scientific papers and 10 books and she was involved in the organizing or scientific committees of national and international symposiums, being also involved as reviewer in many journal committees.
Participating FIG Commissions presentations – Plenary Session
Prof. PhD. Eng.
Cornel Paunescu
President of UGR
Mr. Cornel Paunescu is member of the Romanian Surveyors Union since 1990 and he was elected as President in 2014. He is Vice President of Association of private surveyors. Starting with 1991 Mr. Paunescu is professor PhD. Eng. at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest. During this period he was the author of several courses of geodesy, topography and GNSS. He is General Director at Cornel & Cornel Topoexim SRL since 1994. He was involved in developing the works of national interest with National Agency for Cadastre and Land registration, CNCFR S.A, National Airport Company S.A., OMV Petrom S.A., Hidroelectrica S.A.
Keynote Speakers
Ms. Gerda Schennach
FIG Commission 7
Gerda SCHENNACH has a Diploma (MSc) in geodesy from the Technical University Innsbruck and the Vienna Institute of Technology. She is graduated from a commercial college as well.
From 1978 – 1981 she worked as an assistant at the Dept. of Mathematical Analysis at the Vienna Institute of Technology. Since 1981 she was affiliated to the Austrian Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV).
Between 1983 and 1998 Mrs. Schennach was Director of regional Cadastral offices and since 1998 she holds the function of a senior advisor for International affairs in the Headquarters of BEV.
Mrs. Schennach is a founding member of the Austrian Umbrella Organization for GI (AGEO) to which she was a Secretary General since the foundation in 1998 and since 2012 she is the Vice-President of this association. She has been several times elected to the Executive Board of EUROGI.
Since 1998 she is a member of the Executive Board of the Austrian Society for Surveying and Geoinformation (OVG- FIG member assoc.). She is a permanent correspondent of BEV in several European institutions (EuroGeographics, Eurostat, e.a.) and a member of the German Society for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management (DVW) since 1984.
Between 1998 and 2007 she was Secretary-General of the European Council of Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE).
Between 2005-2014 Mr. Schennach was a Vice-Chair of the Working Group for equal rights in the Austrian federal Ministry of Economy, Youth and Family.
Mrs. Schennach was a Vice-Chair of Administration of FIG Commission 3 from 1990-1994, Vice-Chair of Commission 7 and Chair of WP 7.3 “Cadastral perspectives” between 2011 - 2014.
Mrs. Schennach is elected Chairperson of FIG Commision 7 “Cadastre and Land Management” for the term of office 2015 – 2018 and a member of the FIG Council for the term 2017-2018.
Mr. Kwame Tenadu
FIG Commission 8
Mr. Kwame Tenadu Snr. holds a Master of Arts Degree in Environmental Management and Policy, a Land Surveyor’s License, University Diploma in Geodetic Engineering and a Certificate in Land Surveying. He is a Professional Land Surveyor of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors and was a Governing Council Member for several years. He was a key member of the committee responsible for international relations and export of professional services, a member of and the current President of the Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana www.lisagh.org , a member of the International Federation of Surveyors and the Chair for Commission 8 in charge of spatial planning and economic development www.fig.net , an associate member of the Commonwealth Association of Surveyors and Land Economists and has had over 30years experience in land surveying and land administration in both Ghana and Nigeria in West Africa. Kwame is the Managing Director of Geo – Zenith Limited, a firm he founded since 1993. Since 2010, Geo Zenith Limited has been rebranded to UDANET LIMITED with expanded business to include construction and professional capacity building consultancies for land surveying professionals in West Africa. Kwame is multi – lingual and has working knowledge level of French and Spanish. He also has over thirty year’s specialist experience in surveying, land administration and management and business strategies with environmental and sustainable issues as a private sector practice.
Mr. Steve Nystrom
FIG Commission 9
Mr. Steven Nystrom has a BA from University of Florida in Economics and and MA in Real Estate Valuation and Urban Analysis. With 28 years of experience in real estate valuation, mass appraisal, land policy consulting and related macro economics, Mr. Nystrom is presently Principal at NewStream Companies and a Magistrate in Florida. Between 1995 and 1998 he was Senior Appraiser – Hanford/Healy Appraisal Co. & GMACCM. He is Certified General Appraiser, a member of the Appraisal Institute, and a delegate to FIG for NSPS. Mr. Steven Nystrom was a Working Representative to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and was the Appraisal Institute Delegate to FIG. Between 2007 and 2014 he was Vice-president of FIG Commission 9 and starting in 2015 Mr. Nystrom became the Chairman of FIG Commission 9, term 2015 – 2018.
Mr. Daniel Manate
National Association of Romanian Authorized Valuers
Mr. Daniel Manate is currently the President of The National Association of Romanian Authorized Valuers (ANEVAR). He has 25 years of valuation experience and he has served a long time in ANEVAR board in a variety of committees, such as Scientific & Standards or Public Relations. Being an active valuer mainly in the field of business valuation, he activates as an associate professor in enterprise valuation at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, UAV Arad, Romania and he currently lectures at ANEVAR′s courses and continuous training programs. Prior to teaching valuation, Mr. Manate followed a 20 years career in investments funds industry, in positions like director of strategy or director of research. He holds Bachelor’s degrees as Economist and Engineer, he is PhD in Accounting and an Accredited Valuer in Enterprise Valuation (ANEVAR). He is also a member of professional bodies like TEGoVA and RICS.
Dr. Vasile Chiriac
General Secretary CLGE
Republic of Moldova
Mr. Vasile Chiriac was graduated in 1976 as Dipl. Engineer at the High Defence Mapping School, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. After 10 years working as geodetic surveyor of Military Topographical Service he continues his studies at Defence Engineering Academy, Moscow, Russia.
In 1992 he defined his doctoral thesis and come back to Moldova to create Military Topographical service of National Army, and was the Head of it from 1994 to 2004. He was Commander-Rector of Defence Academy “Alexandru cel Bun”.
In 2006 he runs a research Department at the Institute of Geodesy, Engineering Research and Cadastre, and between 2010 and 2012he was General Director of Blom Ltd, Moldova Company.
He was associate professor at the Faculty of Cadastre, Geodesy and Construction of Technical University of Moldova.
Mr. Chiriac is the President of Moldavian Union of Surveyors, and General Secretary of CLGE (the Council of Geodetic European Surveyors).
Platinum and Gold sponsors presentation
Mr. George Damian
General Manager
Top Geocart
Mr. George Damian holds an Engineering Diploma in Geodesy from Faculty of Geodesy – Technical University for Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania. From the graduating year, 1984, to 1994 he worked for IGFCPT – Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Mapping and Land Organization. Since 1998 Mr. Damian is working for Top Geocart During his activity Mr. Damian had various specializations, such as: GPS, TPS & Software, Management and Marketing, Legal Expert for cadastre and topography.
Mrs. Alina Popescu
Director Heveco
Geodetic Eng. Alina Popescu – Tehnical Director at Heveco SRL
More than 11 years expertise in project management, land management, data management, land aquisition, approvals and constraction permits especially and not only for Oil&Gas Companies, GIS data acquisition consultant, managing topo-survey projects, urban planning and infrastructure and reale estate valuator.
Mr. Adrian Ionescu
Division Manager Blom
International Operations
Eng. Adrian Ionescu - Division Manager at BLOM International Operations SRL
M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering at Valahia University of Targoviste. More than 15 years expertise in the field of business with experience in project management, aerial operations and sensors operations, sales and pre-sales activities, management of production facility with main focus on 3D photogrammetry, digital photogrammetry, 2D mapping and LiDAR. Operations experience in Europe
Mr. Silviu Stoica
General Director of Ramboll
South East Europe
Mr. Silviu Stoica is the General Director for Ramboll South East Europe, the Romanian daughter company of the Ramboll Group, a Danish based leading engineering, design and consultancy company employing 13,000 experts with a strong presence in approximately 300 offices in 35 countries all over the world. Starting with 2007 Mr. Stoica is a PhD. Eng. in Civil Engineering at the Technical Constructions University, Bucharest. Being involved in both public and private sector, Mr. Stoica has extensive experience in coordination of the Sectoral Operational Program Environment with direct involvement at the level of the Ministry of Environment in the development of the projects portfolio and their coordination at national level. Mr. Stoica has in depth management expertise in the municipal water and wastewater services sector in Romania, waste management, water quality monitoring strategies, district heating, harmonization of environmental legislation with that of the European Union and transposition EU directives in national legislation.
Ms. Ionela Adam
Romair Consulting
Ms. Ionela Adam graduated in 2006 as Diplomat Engineer in Geodesy from the Faculty of Geodesy, at the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, and in 2008 she graduated with Master’s Degree as Engineer from the Faculty of Geodesy - G.I.S. Section.
Starting with 2005, she has set up and developed the Geodesy-GIS Department within Romair Consulting SRL, consolidating to date more than 50 specialists in Geodesy with the latest specialty equipment, company that obtained I Class ANCPI authorization in 2014.
Within Romair Consulting SRL, starting from simple projects in the field dedicated to internal design departments; since 2009 the Department has had independent large-scale projects in the fields of Geodesy, Cadaster, Topography, Photogrammetry, LiDAR, GIS with internal application development, which were successfully implemented.
Dipl. Eng. Lucian Batrin
Mr. Lucian Batrin graduated in 2014 from Politehnica University of Timisoara as Engineer in Geodesy. In 2016 he graduated from Politehnica University of Timisoara as Diplomat Engineer in Geodesy. Since 2013 he works for GISCAD SRL, Trimble authorized distributor for geospatial solutions in Romania. He is specialized in surveying equipment, photogrammetry, mobile mapping and monitoring.
Dipl. Eng. Luca Pasquini
Regional Sales Manager of
TOPCON Europe Positioning BV
Mr. Luca Pasquini is specialized in promoting and sales of TOPCON equipment and solutions in the lasts 7 years, being now responsible for distribution on some Central and Est European Countries, including ROMANIA. He graduated on 1999 at Politecnico di Milano as Civil Engineer and is coauthor of specific technical books. For Romania he is fully involved in developing of TOPCON solutions sales through the sole authorized distributor T.P.I. POSITIONING SOLUTIONS S.R.L. with headquarter in BRASOV city.
Closing Plenary Session
Prof. PhD. Eng.
Cornel Paunescu
President of UGR
Mr. Cornel Paunescu is member of the Romanian Surveyors Union since 1990 and he was elected as President in 2014. He is Vice President of Association of private surveyors. Starting with 1991 Mr. Paunescu is professor PhD. Eng. at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest. During this period he was the author of several courses of geodesy, topography and GNSS. He is General Director at Cornel & Cornel Topoexim SRL since 1994. He was involved in developing the works of national interest with National Agency for Cadastre and Land registration, CNCFR S.A, National Airport Company S.A., OMV Petrom S.A., Hidroelectrica S.A.
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Ph.D Eng. Gheorghe Badea
Dean of Faculty of Geodesy
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
Prof. Ph.D Eng. Gheorghe Badea, Dean - Faculty of Geodesy (2016 to the present), Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest.
Prof. Badea graduated in 1989 from Faculty of Geodesy – Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania. In 2003 he received a Ph.D from the same University for his thesis "Some Results in the Study of Using Cadastral Data in Land Information Systems".
Between 2012 and 2015 he was acting as Vicedean of Faculty of Geodesy.
His main teaching and research activities at the Faculty of Geodesy is focused on Cadastral Systems in Urban Areas, Information Systems Specific to the Activity Fields, Methods of Real Estate Recording and GIS Applications. He is also collaborating with the Faculty of Planning - "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism and at the Faculty of Geography - University of Bucharest. At the same time, he has been involved in several research and educational projects as team member as well as project manager for EU financed Projects. During the time he was acting in the private sector and also he collaborated with ANCPI for development of technical normative.
Prof. Badea is Member of the Romanian Surveyors Association and Member of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing National Society. He was involved in the committees of many scientific conferences and he was the President of the Scientific symposium with international participation GeoPreVi2011 and GeoPreVi2015.