FIG - International Federation of Surveyors
FIG is the premier international organization representing the interests of surveyors worldwide. It is a federation of the national member associations and covers the whole range of professional fields within the global surveying community. It provides an international forum for discussion and development aiming to promote professional practice and standards.
FIG was founded on July 18 1878 in Paris by delegates from seven national associations - Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Switzerland - and was known as the Fédération Internationale des Géomètres. This has become anglicized to the International Federation of Surveyors. It is a UN-recognized non-government organization (NGO), representing more than 120 countries throughout the world, and its aim is to ensure that the disciplines of surveying and all who practise them meet the needs of the markets and communities that they serve.
FIG’s technical work is led by ten Commissions. The responsibilities and work plans of Commissions are approved by the General Assembly during the FIG Congress. The work of each Commission is lead by the Chairperson – elected for four-year term of office by the General Assembly at the Congress. He is assisted by the Commission Vice-Chairpersons also appointed by the General Assembly.
The Chair-Elect is elected by the General Assembly two years before the Congress. The Commission Chair is also assisted by a Vice-Chair of Administration who is in charge for the administration of the Commission. Every Commission has established at least three working groups on special topics.
For more info please visit: International Federation of Surveyors
FIG Commission 7 - Cadastre and Land Management
- To provide a forum for enhancing and exchanging knowledge about cadastre, land admini-stration and land management world wide;
- To encourage the development of pro poor land management and land administration;
- To promote the importance of development of sustainable land administration as infra-structure for sustainable development to underpin economic growth;
- To promote the application of innovative and advanced technology in cadastre and land administration;
- To promote awareness of the role of surveyors in land administration matters to the public and among stake
For more info please visit: FIG Commission 7
FIG Commission 8 - Spatial planning and development
- On all parties involved in environmentally sustainable planning and implementation;
- To develop guidelines, methods, governances and good practice at the global level;
- To reflect holistic skills in planning and development of the built environment, including informal settlements wherever they are to be found;
- To emphasise that we, as surveyors and built environment experts have a leadership role in the collective responsibility for well-functioning mega cities; including integrated disaster risk management as a discipline;
- The Commission recognises the three pillars of ESD, i.e. balancing the competing development demands associated with economic, social and environmental aspiration.
For more info please visit: FIG Commission 8
FIG Commission 9 - Valuation and the Management of Real Estate
- To advance the professional practice of valuers and property managers working in all areas of real estate valuation and management;
- To research and publish “best practice” for the benefit of valuers and property managers in different jurisdictions and sectors of the industry, for the benefit of the surveying community and to improve our services to the wider public;
- To facilitate and generate the exchange of information, knowledge and experience between surveyors for the benefit of the profession, our clients and the wider public;
- To publicise and promote the work of surveyors to the public, particularly to young people, governments and non-government organisations and to enhance their perception of the value of surveyors and the services they can deliver, especially in support of the global sustainability agenda and the Millennium Development Goals;
- To co-operate and work with fellow surveyors in all specialisms of the profession to further the objectives of FIG.
For more info please visit: FIG Commission 9