14 September , 2017 Ramada Plaza Bucharest Convention Center
Chair and Speakers
09:00 → 10:30
Welcome speeches
Terra 2 & 3
▸ Prof. PhD. Eng. Gheorghe BADEA, Dean – Faculty of Geodesy, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest - Chair
▸Dr. Chryssy A. POTSIOU, FIG President
▸Mrs. Gabriela FIREA, General Mayor of Bucharest
▸Mr. Mihai BUSUIOC, General Secretary of Romanian Government
▸Mr. Radu Codrut ȘTEFĂNESCU, President General Director of National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI)
▸Mrs. Adriana PETCU - State Secretary for Water, Water and Forest Ministry
▸Pr. Iulian IGNAT, Inspector Ecclesiastic Real Estate, Romanian Patriarchy
▸Mr. Eugen Constantin URICEC, State Secretary, Environment Ministry
▸Mr. Robert Sorin NEGOIȚĂ, Mayor of Sector 3 Bucharest
▸Mr. Daniel BĂLUȚĂ, Mayor of Sector 4 Bucharest
▸Prof. Dr. Eng. Johan NEUNER, President of the Senate of Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest
10:30 → 11:30
Opening Exhibition & Poster Session
▸Ph.D. Eng. Valeriu MANOLACHE, President of Romanian Association of Private Surveyors - Chair
▸Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Ana Cornelia BADEA, FIG representative for Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest - Chair
o 1. Nicolas POITRINEAU, Eric GASTINE, Marie Laure EL GAMMAL: Safe Tunnelling Involves Real Time Accurate Monitoring Systems o 2. Marius NEAGU, Doina VASILCA: Using 3D laser scanning in the architectural field o 3. Marta FIGURSKA, Justyna BRZEZICKA: Price dispersion on a local real estate market vs. real estate appraisal: case study from Poland o 4. Andreea-Mădălina GEMAN, Andreea LUICIANU, Mihaela OLTEANU, Ana-Cornelia BADEA: Using Methods for Collecting Data in the Benefit of the Local Community
▸Prof. PhD. Eng. Cornel PĂUNESCU, President of Romanian Surveyors Union – Chair
Welcome speeches
▸Ms. Gerda SCHENNACH, FIG Commission 7 Chair
▸Mr. Kwame TENADU, FIG Commission 8 Chair
▸Mr. Daniel MANAȚE, President of Romanian Evaluators Association
▸Mr. Vasile CHIRIAC, General Secretary of CLGE
Keynotes speakers
▸Dr. Daniel STEUDLER, Honorary member of FIG – The Land Code – The forth revolution in Land Administration
▸Mr. Robert W. FOSTER, FIG Honorary President – Creating a universal set of ethics principles for real estate and related professions
Keynotes speaker
▸ Mr. Gyula IVÁN, Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Hungary
– "Challenges in technology, society and policy - how they influences Cadastre and Real Estate Management"
Technical session
1. Maartje LOF: Land consolidation to improve land rights 2. József Rákossy BOTOND: Cum sa nu faci cadastru? 3. Cornel PĂUNESCU, Vlad PĂUNESCU, Mihaela CÂMPEANU, Florin NACHE: Methods for defining errors in the systematic cadaster 4. Nicolae-Silviu MANDA: CADGen1.0 - Systematic Cadastre Application under AutoCAD andBricsCAD 5. Gabriel BĂDESCU, Aurel CĂLINA, Jenica CĂLINA, Marius MILUT: Some Considerations Regarding the use of GNSS Technology in the 3D CAD In Romania
Spatial Planning and Development
▸Mr. Kwame TENADU, FIG Commission 8 Chair – Chair
Technical session
1. Ioan STOIAN, Vasile NACU, Dan VELE: Cartographic expert system for sustainable development of the administrative territorial units (ATU) 2. Constantin BOFU, Loredana CRENGANIS: Seismic Hazard Analysis of Buildings in Iasi City using Geographical Information Systems 3. Dan VELE, Ioan STOIAN, Vasile NACU: Information System For Monitoring Climate Change 4. Cristian TRIFANOV, Iulian NICHERSU, Alexandru PĂUN, Marian MIERLA: Generation of geo-referenced Orthomosaics and Digital Elevation Models from aerial images obtained with UAVs – a silo case study as a trial for SCENT project 5. Efthimios BAKOGIANNIS, Charalampos KYRIAKIDIS, Maria SITI, Nikolaos KOUGIOUMTZIDIS, Chryssy POTSIOU: Exploring the relationship between soundscape and urban environment characteristics using VGI
▸Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Constantin CHIRILĂ, UTGA Iasi – Chair
Technical session
1. Constantin CHIRILĂ, Raluca Maria ALBU: Applying trigonometric levelling for monitoring the vertical deformations and displacements of the engineering structures 2. Ana VLASENCO: Application of pan – European map projections on the territory of Republic of Moldova 3. Vasile CHIRIAC: Height Reference Surface for high accuracy Digital Elevation Modelling in Republic of Moldova 4. Corina Daniela PĂUN, Ersilia Valeria ONIGA, Petre Iuliu DRAGOMIR: The integration of RPAS and TLS data for 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage buildings 5. Costin-Sebastian MANU, Larisa Ofelia FILIP, Ioan Cosmin CIUCULESCU, Dumitru Filip TIVIG, Cosmin CARTEȘ: Error sources in positioning using GNSS receivers
16:00 → 17:30
Panel discussions on Self-regulated Profession from Land administration prospective
Terra 2 & 3
▸ Mr. George DAMIAN, General Manager Top Geocart - Chair
▸ Prof. PhD. Eng. Petre Iuliu DRAGOMIR , Faculty of Geodesy UTCB – Chair
▸ Mr. Robert W. FOSTER, FIG Honorary President
▸ Ms. Gerda SCHENNACH, FIG Commission 7 Chair - CLGE representative
▸ Mr. Nicholas SMITH, Vice-president of CLGE
▸ Mr. Mircea STOIAN - General Director Gauss
▸ Mr. Alexandru PĂUN - UGR Tulcea
▸ Mr. Marcel GRIGORE, Deputy General Manager ANCPI
Cadastre and Land Management, Spatial Planning and Development
▸ Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Ana Cornelia BADEA, FIG representative for Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest – Chair
Keynote speaker
▸ Mr. Kwame TENADU, FIG Commission 8 Chair - FIG Comission 8 – Spatial planing and development. Mission and vision
Technical session
1. Ioel VERES, Dacian MARIAN, Klaus FISSGUS, Nelu ȘTEFAN: Analysis of Surface Subsidence for Establishing the Location of a Gas Pipeline 2. George Laurențiu MERCIU, Cristina MERCIU, Andreea-Loreta CERCLEUX, Elena BOGAN: The Assessment of the Infant Mortality Rate in Romanian Small and Medium-Sized Industrial Towns Using Spatial Analysis 3. George Laurențiu MERCIU, Ioan IANOS, Vlad PĂUNESCU, Cristina MERCIU: Using GIS to Mapping the Accessibility for an Earthquake Emergency Situation. Case Study: Historic Urban Centre of Bucharest 4. Alexandru Bogdan GIURGIU, Ionela Lacramioara ADAM, Petre Iuliu DRAGOMIR: GIS Solution using Open Source Software for General Cadastre 5. Anca-Maria MOSCOVICI, Carmen GRECEA, Raluca VĂDUVA: Challenges of Sustainable Redevelopment of Brownfield SITES in the Metropolitan Area of Timisoara 6. Ana Cornelia BADEA, Gheorghe BADEA: Facing with Sustainable Development for Smart Cities through Geospatial Standards and GIS
Keynote speaker
▸ Mr. Daniel MANAȚE, President of Romanian Evaluators Association – Quantitative Technics in Land valuation
Technical session
1. Ryszard ŹRÓBEK, Sabina ŹRÓBEK: Real estate valuation for planning and adjacent fees - dilemmas of the Polish property valuers 2. Malgorzata RENIGIER-BILOZOR, Maurizio d’AMATO, Artur JANOWSKI: Automated Valuation of Real Estate Model based on Rough Set Theory 3. Marek WALACIK, Malgorzata RENIGIER-BILOZOR: Highest and best use in property valuation 4. Anca-Maria MOSCOVICI, Cosmin Constantin MUȘAT, Adrian ALIONESCU: The Impact of Romanian Expropriation Laws on Cadastral Works 5. Marta FIGURSKA, Justyna BRZEZICKA: Price dispersion on a local real estate market vs. real estate appraisal: case study from Poland
Young Surveyors Workshop
▸ Mr. Vlad PĂUNESCU , Cornel&Cornel Topoexim – Chair
Keynote speaker
▸ Mr. Daniel MANAȚE, President of Romanian Evaluators Association – Quantitative Technics in Land valuation
Technical session
▸ Pietro GRIMALDI, Italy – Survey to Planning: New Technologies and Land Protection
15 September , 2017 Ramada Plaza Bucharest Convention Center
Chair and Speakers
09:00 → 11:00
Panel discussions on National Program for Cadastre and Land Registration
Terra 2 & 3
▸ PhD. Eng. Ileana SPIROIU - Deputy General Director of ANCPI - Chair
▸Mrs. Eugenia SAS - Land Registration ANCPI
▸Mr. Cosmin CIUCULESCU - President of UGR Bucharest 6 local association
▸Ph.D. Eng. Valeriu MANOLACHE – President APCGC
▸Prof. PhD. Eng. Gheorghe BADEA – Dean of Faculty of Geodesy
▸Mayor Emil DRĂGHICI, President of Association of Romanian Communes
11:30 → 13:00
Cadastre and Land Management, Spatial Planning and Development
Terra 2 & 3
▸ Mr. Ionuț Cristian SĂVOIU, FIG Comm 3 National representative – Chair
Keynote speaker
▸ Mr. Marcel GRIGORE, Deputy General Director ANCPI: ANCPI – its role in the national system for land administration
▸ Mayor Emil DRĂGHICI, President of Association of Romanian Communes
Technical session
1. Konstantinos APOSTOLOPOULOS, Giorgos MITTAS, Konstantinos RETSAS, Charalabos IOANNIDIS, Chryssy POTSIOU: Assessment of the Legalization Framework of Informal Development in Greece 2. Alexandru Bogdan GIURGIU, Ionela Lacramioara ADAM, Petre Iuliu DRAGOMIR: GIS-based Landslide susceptibility in Vrancea County 3. Vasile-Gabriel Dascălu, Ana-Cornelia BADEA: Spatial Access to Medical Services using GIS Techniques – Valcea County, Romania 4. Iuliana Maria PÂRVU, Adrian Grigore PÂRVU: Analiza riscurilor in cazul dezastrelor naturale utilizand tehnologia LiDAR
Spatial Planning and Development
▸ Prof. PhD. Arch. Cătălin SÂRBU – “Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest – Chair
Keynote speaker
▸ Mrs. Diana ŢENEA - General Director, Ministry of regional development
Technical session
1. Elzbieta ZYSK, Rozańska Alina ZROBEK: Identification of seniors’ residential needs in Poland 2. Clara-Beatrice VÂLCEANU, Carmen GRECEA, Sorin HERBAN: Spatial data geoportal for Local Administration – smart solution for a secure and valuable cultural heritage 3. Aurel SĂRĂCIN, Constantin COȘARCĂ: 3D City Modeling: Techniques and Applications 4. Disha Kirtikumar PUJARA: Activity Centers - One Place to (Live, Work & Play) 5. Ana-Maria TOPOREȚ, Livia NISTOR-LOPATENCO, Ion BOICU: Using geodetic technologies for monitoring of the landslides
Valuation and the Management of Real Estate
▸ Mr. Daniel MANAŢE, President of Romanian Evaluators Association – Chair
Keynote speaker
▸ Mr. Adrian VASCU, ANEVAR President 2014 – 2015 – The correlation between “The Market Value Test” and the sale prices of the real estate propertie
▸ Mrs. Alina RÂNBU, ANEVAR lecturer – The mutual benefit of the correlation between cadaster system and real estate valuation
Technical session
1. Daniela RĂBOJ, Alexandra Nadia DABIJA (married CÎRDEI), Dumitru ONOSE: Sound polluation and real estate prices in Bucharest, Romania 2. Manohar VELPURI, Surya BHAMIDIPATI, Madhu Aman SHARMA, Chetan MARINGANTI, Yee Hoong CHIN, Anusha PIDUGU: Distributed ledger technologies and blockchain for a better Sustainable development goals framework 3. Silvia CHIOREAN, Dumitru ONOSE, Mircea ORTELECAN, Maricel PALAMARIU: Statistics - Analysis, Modeling, Forecasting and Optimization - Applied in Real Estate Valuation 4. Silvia CHIOREAN, Dumitru ONOSE, Maricel PALAMARIU, Tudor SĂLĂGEAN: The Use of GIS in Order to Improve the Real Estate Valuation
▸ Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Tiberiu RUS, UTCB, Faculty of Geodesy, UTCB– Chair
Keynote speaker
▸ Prof. Dr. Eng. Johan NEUNER , Faculty of Geodesy, UTCB
▸ Mr. Ralph SCHROTH - Managing Director Blom Deutschland GmbH - Asset Management by Mobil Mapping - Controlling for Public Services
Technical session
1. Sabina PLĂVICHEANU, Florin NACHE, Petre Iuliu DRAGOMIR: Smart Managing Aeronautical Data 2. Stefana Ruxandra IONEANU, Mihaela GHEORGHE: Monitoring deforestation in Apuseni National Park between 2000-2016 using Landsat satellite imagery 3. Cornel PĂUNESCU, Florin NACHE, Roxana Augustina STĂNESCU: Determination of altitudes by the trigonometric leveling with different refraction coefficients 4. Roxana Augustina STĂNESCU, Florin NACHE, Cornel PĂUNESCU: Vertical and horizontal displacement monitoring at Poiana Marului dam 5. Dumitru-Filip TIVIG, Costin-Sebastian MANU, Cosmin-Ion CIUCULESCU: Tracing and Traking Mining and Auxiliary Work at Tismana Open Pit Mine
14:00 → 15:30
Panel discussion on GEOID determination
Terra 2 & 3
▸ Lecturer PhD. Eng. Paul DUMITRU, Faculty of Geodesy, UTCB - Chair
▸Ph.D Eng. Ileana SPIROIU - Deputy General Director of ANCPI
▸PhD. Eng. Neculai AVRAMIUC , Mapping National Centre - ANCPI
▸Prof. Vasile CHIRIAC, General Secretary CLGE
▸Prof. Ralph SCHROTH, Managing Director Blom Deutschland GmbH, Germany
▸Col (r.) Marin Alnitei, Controlling Director, ANCPI
▸Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Tiberiu RUS, Faculty of Geodesy UTCB
▸ Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Adrian SAVU, Faculty of Geodesy UTCB – Chair
Keynote speaker
▸ Prof. PhD. Eng. Constantin COȘARCĂ, Faculty of Geodesy UTCB
Technical session
1. Ileana SPIROIU, Radu-Dan-Nicolae CRIŞAN, Cătălin ERHAN, Neculai AVRAMIUC, Miluţă FLUERAŞ: Geo-gravimetric Quasi-geoid Determination over Romania 2. Dan VELE, Vasile NACU, Ioan STOIAN: GEODETIC METHODS FOR CRUSTAL MOVEMENTS AND EARTHQUAKES PREDICTION 3. Dan VELE, Vasile NACU: THE DETERMINATION OF POTENTIAL ENERGY ACCUMULATION IN THE TERRESTRIAL CRUST USING GEODETIC MEASUREMENTS 4. Alexandra Nadia DABIJA (CÎRDEI), Dumitru ONOSE: Prediction of the behavior of a bridge using the deformation model 5. Ben Ikhlef ILIES: Geostatistics as a tool for interpolation and mapping of the gravity anomaly and the geoid height
▸ Mr. Neculai CAIA, Executive Secretary of Romanian Surveyors Union - Chair
▸ Prof. PhD. Eng. Cornel PĂUNESCU, President of Romanian Surveyors Union
16:00 → 17:30
Closing Plenary Session
Terra 2 & 3
▸ Prof. PhD. Eng. Cornel PĂUNESCU, President of Romanian Surveyors Union
▸ Prof. PhD. Eng. Gheorghe BADEA, Dean - Faculty of Geodesy, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest